Cometa was a multidisciplinary design studio founded by Floris Douma & Vincent Meertens active between the years of 2015 and 2020.  Vincent still creates strong brands as partner at design studio Tin and Floris works as an independent creative developer / coder. Comets maybe pass by, but we’re here to stay!

If you’re interested in working with one (or both) of us, contact us via our personal channels!



Archive of our work:


Celebrating the best in European journalism


This year the European Press Prize Award Ceremony took place in Warsaw. We designed all items for the ceremony including the first ever European Press Prize Exhibition: Stories of Europe. Featuring both nominated and winning articles and its authors the exhibition displayed an extended overview of this years awards. Every article was accompanied by a QR code so it could be easily scanned and read online on the website. Accompanied to the exhibition we designed a book containing all winning articles.



Branding, Exhibition Design, Graphic Design